2024 Summer Backpack Collection

This summer we are once again collecting new backpacks filled with school supplies. The backpacks will be shared with St. Stephan’s Grace in Newark’s Ironbound, our Mission Partner congregation, and with school children in Plainfield through the Second Street Youth Center. There are a number of ways to help.

  • You can purchase a new backpack of your choice and fill it with the following school supplies: one pack pens; one pack pencils; one notebook; one box of 24 crayons; one package of construction paper; one pair of safety scissors; one glue stick; one ruler; one small pencil sharpener; one toothbrush; one tube of toothpaste.
  • You can drop off a new backpack or any of the above individual supplies and we will fill a backpack.
  • Items can be dropped off at Faith in the marked green bin found underneath the sheltered alcove by the red doors at the bottom of the parking lot.
  • You can mail a financial gift made payable to Faith Lutheran Church with “backpacks” in the memo line of your check and we will shop for you.

The deadline is Sunday, August 25. In 2023, Faith collected and distributed 300 backpacks.

Contact the Church Office at 908-464-5177 with any questions.