Daytime Bible Study

Register now on the kiosk for our Daytime Bible Study. Pastor Kriesat will be leading our Bible Study on the Gospel of John which has been a major inspiration to believers for many years. Classes start this Wednesday, September 19th  and continue through Wednesday,...

Rally Day, Sunday September 9 Events and Programs

Our yearlong theme – “Rooted in Faith” “Continue to live your lives in Christ, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught.” ~ Colossians 2:6-7 We return to our regular worship schedule with liturgies...

Sunday School

Join us this year for a new Sunday Church School Program – Whirl All Kids Sunday School! Our new curriculum gives children the opportunity to create a community between our youngest children between the ages of 3 and 4, as well as our older students through 5th...

Devotions for Sunset Gap

MORNING WATCH DEVOTIONS Sunset Gap 2018   The third of our goals for this week together is to “enable us to live in Christian community, with worship as a key part of our week.”  With that in mind, we begin and end each day with worship.  Each morning by 7:40, we...

Summer Backpack Collection

Our Back to Basics backpack collection is underway and continues through the summer until August 26.  Please bring in a backpack filled with the following: 6 pack of blue or black pens; 6 pack of no. 2 pencils; 12 count crayon box; one package of lined notebook paper;...

Summer Coffee Hour

We are planning two summer coffee hours in the narthex…one on July 29 and the second on August 26, each after the 9:30 liturgy. If you can help host one of these fellowship gatherings, sign up on the kiosk or contact the Church Office. Special thanks to Lisa...

Spring Bible Study

DAYTIME BIBLE STUDY – “Bring Your Questions” Wednesdays, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. – April 4 to 25 Join Pastor Kriesat for this unique look at scripture with class topics that change from week to week. Sign up sheet is on the kiosk to register....

Holy Week Schedule

  Sunday, March 25 – PASSION/PALM SUNDAY 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. – Festival Procession with Eucharist “Servant of All” 9:40 a.m. – Education Hour for ages 3 thru adult Thursday, March 29 – HOLY THURSDAY 12:00 noon – Spoken Eucharist 7:30 p.m....

Lenten Services

  Ash Wednesday “Come Together” February 14, 2018 6:45 a.m. and 12 noon – Spoken Eucharist with Ashes 7:30 p.m. – Sung Evening Prayer with Eucharist and Ashes Lenten Midweek “Abide With Me” Wednesdays, February 21, 28, March 7, 14, and 21 12 noon – Spoken...