THANK YOU DORIS Plan on joining us for coffee and cake in Forum Hour on Passion/Palm Sunday, March 29 at 9:40. Doris is retiring on Holy Thursday after 28 ½ years of faithful, committed ministry in our Family of Faith. Meeting her “comfort needs” meant no big party...
February 25 – March 25: “JESUS CALLS US” Spoken Eucharist at 6:45 a.m. & 12:15 p.m. Evening Prayer & Eucharist at 7:30 p.m. Invite your friends and co-workers to join us for these worship opportunities.
Registration continues for Pastor Mac’s Lenten Evening Bible Study, which meets Monday evenings, February 23 – March 23, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Plan now on being with us for this special time to grow in your faith. New students are always welcome for these...
The tradition continues as the Family gathers on Tuesday, February 17, from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. for our Annual Pancake Supper. Register in the Narthex for this Shrove Tuesday tradition. Our Task Force is underway, so if you’d like to assist them, please contact Jessica...
While each Sunday is special in our Family worship, we regularly welcome instrumentalists to help enrich our time together. Last Sunday, February 15, we marked the end of Epiphany with a special JAZZ LITURGY at each of our services. Our next themed worship will be...
On Sunday, February 8th, 2015 at adult forum we had a presentation from IMAGINE – A special ministry that deals with children, families and grief. We welcomed Mandi Zuker and Laura Mann from Imagine, a Center for Coping with Loss, of Westfield. Mandi is the...
Our next New Members’ Exploration Group, “Rejoice,” is scheduled for Sunday February 8th at Faith Lutheran in the library after second service. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the Lutheran Church in general or Faith in particular,...
Our next themed worship will be on March 15…we will be worshiping with Music and Spirituals of America…this inspiring service of song will take as its basis the music born here in the United States, including 19th century folk hymns and the great music of the American...