IMAGINE at Faith

ImagineYouth and Adult Forum, Sunday, November 15th – “Coping with Grief”, 9:40am in Franklin Nelson Hall

Connie Palmer from Imagine, our new partner in ministry, joins us with a program that shares new understandings of how we cope with grief.

IMAGINE – iREMEMBER EVENT – Thursday, November 19 at 6:30 p.m. 

Children’s Grief Awareness Day is Thursday, November 19 and this year Faith will be hosting an evening of hospitality and hope with our new ministry partner, Imagine, a center for coping with loss.

The evening begins at 6:30 p.m. and includes a community wide art project and memorial service followed by food and refreshments in Franklin Nelson Hall.

Contact the Church Office for more information about the event. More information about Imagine can be found on their website