Jazz Eucharists Sunday, Feb. 7th

This Sunday
the Epiphany season comes to an end and so continuing a long tradition, we will share in beautiful Jazz Eucharists this Sunday, February 7th .  As always, Dr. Girvin has gathered world class musicians for these very special liturgies.  As a “preview” he has provided links for our folks that you might want to listen to and to share with your friends.

Links to videos or homepages with videos and info:

MARK GROSS, alto saxophone  http://markgrossmusic.com/music.html

STEVE DAVIS, trombone    http://www.stevedavis.info/

Max MORDEN, trumpet       Max video

NICK SCHEUBLE, drums       http://www.nickscheuble.com/music.html

LEONIEKE SCHEUBLE, keyboards     http://www.leoniekescheuble.com/

TIM GIVENS, bass       tim givens clip