Community Outreach
Local Ministries
ARC Group Home
In 2003, the Family of Faith in conjunction with the ARC of Union County remodeled a local residential home for a group of developmentally disabled adults and Faith continues to provide regular support to the residents with periodic visits, gardening, and maintenance.

Backpack Collection
Each summer Faith collects upwards of 150 backpacks filled with school supplies that are shared with school children in Plainfield and Newark in time for the new school year.
Broadway House, AIDS Ministry
Since the early days of the AIDS epidemic, Faith has cared for our brothers and sisters with HIV/AIDS and currently provides support at Broadway House. Located in Newark, Broadway House for Continuing Care is New Jersey’s only specialized care facility for people living with HIV/AIDS and is one of only a few such facilities in the country. Faith is the only organized group that volunteers on a regular basis providing support with games, activities, and crafts at each visit. Members of Faith donate magazines and puzzle books, as well as new and gently used clothing throughout the year. Magazine subscriptions, birthday and holiday cards are sent regularly. Members of Faith’s Knit, Purl and Pray group make lap blankets, scarves, and hats specifically for the residents at Broadway House.
Christmas Sharing Tree
Members share gifts with children and adults supported by social service agencies, as well as those facing economic stress. Gifts are shared locally through the Community Service Association of New Providence, the ARC of Union County, Cheshire Home in Florham Park, and St. Stephan’s Grace Community Church, our mission partner congregation in Newark.
Coat Collection
Each fall Faith collects new and gently used coats that are shared with men, women, and children through Market Street Mission in Morristown.
Dawn Patrol/AA
Our early morning AA group, the Dawn Patrol, provides support and resources in-person and online. The group meets Monday thru Saturday mornings from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. Faith hosts an annual Thanksgiving Day Alkathon that gathers hundreds of people from the region with speakers, meetings, food, and fellowship throughout the day.
Green Team
The Green Team addresses issues of stewardship relating to the care of God’s creation. In addition to ongoing recycling at church, this multi-generational group has volunteered at local recycling centers, provided support at park and river clean-up events, and planted and tended to a community garden. Most recently, Faith has provided space in our parking lot for a green bin to recycle old books to help save over-crowded landfills.
Imagine, A Center for Coping with Loss
Faith provides support to Imagine, an organization that offers free peer led programs for children, families, and communities related to illness, death, or tragedy. Members from Faith share gifts and volunteer their time throughout the year.
Interfaith, Ecumenical and Community Partners
Faith is an active leader in the ecumenical and interfaith community of New Providence, Berkeley Heights, and Summit with regular educational events, fellowship, and gatherings that include an Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, Community Good Friday Service, and an annual Menorah Lighting in December. We partner with communities in New Providence, Plainfield, Elizabeth, and Newark to provide backpacks, clothing, gifts, and groceries throughout the year.
Knit, Purl and Pray
This group touches every one of our outreach ministries. Handmade items include scarves, hats, lap robes, prayer shawls, pocket hearts, baby hats, and reading blankets shared with Soup Kitchen, Family Promise, University Hospital, Broadway House, Imagine, and St. Stephan’s Grace.
Roots & Wings
Faith provides support and has helped set up apartments for young adults through Roots & Wings in Denville. This organization cares for young adults 18-25 who have aged out of the foster care system in New Jersey.