Race, Hatred and Bigotry – September 23 and September 29-30

2016 11 09 1478708734 9676817We will gather for worship and special presentations on Saturday, September 23 and will then have our trip to Washington, DC on September 29-30. Pastor Jane and Pastor Mac will be presenting at the Saturday class, along with guests and shared resources from the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith, the Islamic and Sikh communities, the NAACP, and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Our trip to DC will include a visit to the National Museum of African American History on Friday, September 29. In the evening, we will tour various memorials including stops at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, the FDR Memorial, and the Lincoln Memorial. On Saturday, we will head to the Eastern Shore of Maryland to visit the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Museum with additional stops on the way home.

If interested in joining us for either the presentation day or both weekends, sign up on the kiosk or email one of the Pastors.

Registration is underway for the Washington trip with limited space available. If you were not on the “early interest” list and are interested in joining us, please speak with one of the Pastors. Some of our teachers are using this event for continuing education. If you would like to do so and need a letter, again, please speak with the Pastors. Please note that two-thirds of our hotel rooms are already booked.