Reformation Program by Dr. Timothy Wengert

Getting Prepared for 500 Years of Reformation Then and New With Dr. Timothy Wengert

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Timothy WengertRegister now for this day long program here at Faith with Dr. Timothy Wengert, world renowned Luther scholar. Dr. Wengert kicks off our 18 month Reformation Anniversary observance with presentations on “Deciphering the 95 Theses and Re-Forming The Christian Life.” Dr. Wengert is an unbelievably gifted teacher and theologian who has a wonderful way of making our theology real and exciting. Registration brochures are on the kiosk and counter and we would encourage your early response as registration will be beginning very shortly throughout the Synod. Our day will begin with the Eucharist at which Bishop Bartholomew will be preaching, followed by morning and afternoon presentations with lunch being served. Please note: There is no registration fee for members of Faith.