Refugee Assistance

headshotAs the horror in Syria escalates, we have a growing number of folks concerned about how we can help. Lutheran World Relief has been involved there since the beginning of the conflict and has now appealed for help in repairing and renovating bakeries so that they can begin to work again feeding the nation. Getting them up and running will produce 9 tons of bread a day, feeding more than 80,000 people.

At their last meeting, Council unanimously approved a special appeal for Lutheran World Relief to provide food for our sisters and brothers in Syria. In addition, Council also approved a separate Motion requesting that gifts be matched dollar for dollar with funds from our Living Faith Responds II gift. To share in this appeal, simply mark a pew envelope “Syria,” making your check payable to Faith.  If you would like to be part of a new Refugee/Immigrant Task Force, sign the sheet on the kiosk or contact the Church Office.