SOUP KITCHEN – Saturday, February 11

soup can clipart clipart panda free clipart images a8B4G9 clipartOur next visit to Saint John’s Roman Catholic Soup Kitchen in Newark is Saturday, February 11. We need servers for February and April and bakers for February, March and April. Sign up sheets are on the kiosk for those interested in baking or serving.  Every second Saturday of the month we meet at church at 9:00 a.m. and carpool together to Newark.  Confirmands are welcome to join us with a parent or responsible adult.  For more information contact Desiree Bouchat, Joanne or Mike Warin.

We are collecting new socks, gloves, scarves, hats and underwear along with toiletries, including toothpaste, combs, shaving cream and razors, however no toothbrushes please.  Leave your donations in the box labelled ‘Soup Kitchen’  outside the Church Office.