Taizé Liturgy 6/28/2020 10:00 a.m. online only service

Please join us live on  Facebook at Faith Lutheran, New Providence   for a our Fourth Sunday of Pentecost service featuring the music of Taizé

This Sunday we are worshiping with our Taizé liturgy with music that is simple, repetitive, usually only one or two lines, and easy to remember. Named for the village of Taizé in France, the liturgy is quiet, reflective, and meditative. Taizé is known not only for its wonderful music, but for its witness during World War II.

Accompanying liturgy can be found at the below link

Fourth Sunday of Pentecost

Click here to download and print out the Children’s Bulletin

The video can be replayed on Facebook, or after 12 noon on YouTube at the below link

Faith Lutheran YouTube Channel