Upcoming Blood Drive at Faith – December 1

Give the Gift of Life! Faith Lutheran is working with NJ Blood Services and will host a blood drive on Thursday, December 1. Watch this post for more information on how to sign up for an appointment. Thanks to all those who have supported the three other blood drives...

Trivia Night Feb. 25th

Trivia Night for The Vine NYC Campus Ministry Friday, February 25, 2022 7:45 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. This annual fundraiser is a wonderful way to support ministry with college and graduate students, all while having a great time. This year’s theme is Trivia Olympics and...

Lent Midweek Worship Times

Lenten Midweek Worship Wednesdays – March 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6 12:00 noon – Spoken Liturgy with Eucharist and Organ Recital to Follow (with livestream) 7:30 p.m. – Evening Vespers with Eucharist Lent is viewed as a time to reconnect with God through prayer,...

Schedule Changes for January

The Advisory Committee met Tuesday, January 4 with the following recommendations: • There will be no in-person worship for the month of January. Worship will be livestream only at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings up to and including January 30. • Sunday School will be...

Online Only Worship December 24, 25 and 26.

Dear Members and Friends of the Family of Faith, The Advisory Committee has recommended we move all services this weekend to online only. There will be no in-person worship because of the surge in coronavirus cases and risk of potential exposure to the community. All...

Resuming of Sanctuary Choir Postponed

I hope the holiday season has been good to you so far and that you’re all remaining healthy in these tough times. When we first talked about starting up Sanctuary Choir again (and up until just last week) everything was starting to look good in the world. However, as...

Blood Drive at Faith

Blood Drive Give the Gift of Life this Holiday Season Appointments Still Available Thursday, December 16, 2021 1:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Faith Lutheran and New Jersey Blood Services are working together to host a blood drive at Faith. Please sign up:...

Annual Menorah Lighting

Annual Hanukkah Menorah Lighting on the Lawn of Faith Lutheran Church 524 South Street, New Providence, NJ 07974 Tuesday, November 30 at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome to join us in peace and solidarity with our Jewish friends and neighbors as we celebrate the Festival of...

Sunday School

Like everything else, our youth education programs will look a little different this year, but we’re so happy to have everyone back to worship in person and can’t wait to see you all again. As a visible sign of love for our neighbor, we ask that everyone wear a mask...